Documents Search Engine - AGIBrians Solutions

In a world flooded with information, finding what truly matters to you can be overwhelming. Every business is backed by its system, management & technology. And these three pillars are backed by business documentation. When it comes to managing documentation, Automation & digitisation play an important role.

Manual intervention for document access and retrieval is a slow process. Raw data is unstructured, inefficient to transform and error-prone. To increase productivity for an organisation, key data files must be indexed and stored to automate workflow and eliminate hours of manual intervention. Imagine a person at a cluttered desk, surrounded by stacks of paper and multiple devices. Frustrated staring at a computer screen with numerous browser tabs open and scrolling through a mobile device, looking frustrated. But what if there was a solution that could streamline your search experience?"

Introducing the DOCBrains Personalized document Search Engine, your gateway to efficient information retrieval. DOCBrains artificial intelligence technology understands and sorts out demanded information from documents just like a human. DOCBrains can perform fast accessing for you and can perform search algorithms for unlimited unstructured documents. DOCBrains has been designed using a unique algorithm that supports images based search results. DOCBrains supports all major types of documents used in industry for its search results query. Searching and accessing business documents like contracts, annual reports, financial statements, and press releases are easily accessed by using DOCBrains search engine. Finding exact information in a stimulated time period is a nominal task for DOCBrains. It saves hundreds of hours of subject matter professional’s time.

DOCBrains can be customised for your document types within a short-time process. Your documents can be uploaded manually as well as synced through integration with your existing systems, and technologies to DOCBrains. DOCBrains will learn the system by indexing the exact patterns to search the documents within a few milliseconds. Get an AI-driven personalised document search engine for your enterprise immediately. DOCBrains is designed to turn demanded information from documents into actionable insights in minutes. In short, DOCBrains is a step toward your very own Personalised search engine.

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