Industry Solutions

Logistics and Warehousing

Driving Efficiency Of Logistics and Warehouse Process Solutions Using AI-Powered DOCBrains

With the rise of the e-commerce trades around the globe, the customs authorities are experiencing an increasing number of imported shipments. This is because the e-commerce business model eliminates the intermediate steps & delivers goods more directly to the end-users. This leads to an increase of import & export of goods to different non-standard destinations, and to an explosion of customs declarations to inspect and extract useful data. In addition, small shipments often benefit from tax exemptions, because when the customs law was idealized small shipments were seen as non-business exchanges among privates. This leads to a competitive disadvantage for traditional enterprises which are subjected to higher taxes and pushes businesses to prefer smaller shipments to the conventional ones.

As a result, the bill of entry and other billing of e-commerce shipments has become a major challenge and customs authorities experienced an increasing number of Billing Entries from importers of goods and fiscal frauds. Finally, in such a chaotic environment, customs also have more difficulties in detecting counterfeit data. In particular, forecasting about 15% increase in customs declarations over the next five years. In this scenario, manual cross-checking and data entry is time consuming and is no longer possible because of the massive quantity of shipments. For this reason, we at AGIBrains plan to implement the latest data analytics technologies using AI to innovate logistics and warehousing operations automatically.

Intelligent Document Processing Account Payable Automation Solutions - AGIBrains

Iconic Benefits


Services Offered

Bill Of Entry

The bill of entry and other billing of e-commerce shipments has become a major challenge and authorities experienced an increasing number of Billing Entries.

In such a chaotic environment, customs have more difficulties in detecting counterfeit data. Revolutionizing the trend in Bill of Entry processing DOCBrains involves ethics of AI, particularly related to diversity, equity and data processing. In order to avoid pitfalls AGIBrains develops new ways of transforming data extraction and search algorithms from BOE to Automated NOC generation.

Bill of lading

The Bill of Lading is the main archive document in global trade. This document is a receipt for the goods and services delivered

To ensure that appropriate correspondence is set up and that all things are represented during the delivery cycle, AGIBrains offers AI driven data extraction for Bill of Lading processing intended to streamline workflow. AGIBrains processing turnaround time is quicker, better, more intelligent and more precise than different folks.

Purchase and Sales Orders

Purchase and sales order process is one of the most fundamental workflows in any business that deals in goods and services.

It incorporates information related to the purchase and sales order including transaction, order picking and logistics details. AGIBrains streamline processes that accomplish these steps and guarantee customer satisfaction by reducing chances of errors, quick data access and avoidance of revenue wastage on inefficient tasks.

Shipping and Delivery Orders

The supply chain industry needs exact on-time deliveries. Shipments are tracked to ensure they follow given rules.

Automation using DOCBrains software ensures records are kept digitally instead of manual records that take up huge amounts of storage. DOCBrains can help to reform information access of dispatch vehicles, reduce the error rate and operational cost. It will help to automate processes & hours of tasks could be reduced to a few seconds of activity.

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